Boots for Babies is right around the corner! This year's Boots for Babies Annual Silent Auction will be held on November 2nd, 2023 at Shiloh Farms from 6PM - 9PM. This is an exciting event...
We have another licensed foster family in Circuit 1! Meet the Biederman family! We are so thankful that they have opened their hearts and home to help the children that need them most in their...
The Therrien family have been loyal to their call in fostering for 3 years. Even with the family's busy schedule for their triplets, they have been a huge help in providing respite & emergency care...
Please help us welcome Sarah & Geoffrey from Leon County to our Foster Family Community! Welcome to the Place Family! We appreciate you opening your hearts and home to help the children in our community.
Bay County Sheriff's Office held a Faith & Blue day hoping it will become an annual event. This event was a collaborative effort to build bridges and break biases.
The Circuit 14 Team Stands Strong for Breast Cancer Awareness! Today, we came together, wearing vibrant shades of pink, to show our support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month! By wearing pink, we want to raise...
New funding allows for even more Leon County families to access child care assistance. You can apply online by visiting under School Readiness or call toll-free: 1-866-973-9030
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of women each year. Although it’s rare, men can also be diagnosed with breast cancer. With breast cancer...
We are happy to announce the Parise family as the newest licensed family in C1. We appreciate you opening your heart and home to protect the children in our community.