Moving Forward
We are working to build a robust communications network with the faith-based community via regular email correspondence as well as social media updates and a periodic e-newsletter. Additionally, we are putting together a region-wide annual faith summit hosted and organized by NWFHN to recognize, reward, and inspire faith-based leaders who assist in helping us achieve our mission.
Additionally, in the coming year, NWF Health Network will:
- Offer Faith Grants. NWF Health Network will announce several new grant opportunities for our faith-based partners. These grants will allow for expansion of behavioral health, substance use, and mental health programs to serve children and families throughout the region.
- Host an Annual Faith Summit. This fall, NWF is putting together an in-person faith summit to bring together those faith leaders who have worked with.
our teams to improve foster and adoption care support services. The faith summit will be both a recognition of the work they have done and an inspiration to continue to grow and expand it.