Free 2 Day Training: Foundations of Infant Mental Health
This 2-day foundational Infant Mental Health (IMH) training provides a 4-step approach to understanding the needs of young children and families through the lens of relationships and grounded in the science of brain development, attachment theory, family systems theory, childhood trauma, and resilience.
Trainees will sharpen observation skills of key developmental milestones, understand the impact of trauma on young children, become keen observers of parent-child interactions, and understand effective prevention and treatment planning. Incorporating an IMH approach into systems of care offers the greatest opportunity for “hard wiring” lifelong mental health. Upon completion of the class and evaluation, trainees will receive a certificate of completion.
All professionals working with young children and families are encouraged to attend, especially nurses, home visitors, doulas, lactation consultants, and other health care professionals; early intervention providers (OT, PT, SLP, nutritionists); early care and education providers, social workers, clinicians and child welfare professionals; parents, foster parents and medical foster parents, maternity home staff, faith-based providers, teen parent programs and other community helpers.
Registration is offered at no cost. Registration is limited to 80 participants. Register by Friday, August 23rd.