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Tallahassee Interfaith Clergy Partners with Local Agencies to Provide Services for Children and Families

Rev. Dr. Betsy Goehrig, Foster Family Support Recruitment and Retention Specialist with NWFHN coordinated a program on Services for Children and Families in partnership with the Tallahassee Interfaith Clergy on January 25th at First Presbyterian Church. The host Pastor, Rev. Anne Apple, opened with prayer, followed by lunch provided by members of the congregation.  

The program included a brief introduction of clergy from 17 churches in Leon and Gadsden counties. There were various representatives from local agencies that provided information of services they provided for children and families. Dr. Goehrig provided a directory of services and contact information for those who attended.

Participating agencies included NWF Health Network’s Betsy Goehrig, Foster Family Support Recruitment and Retention Specialist; Bibi Ramos, Community Relations Specialist; and Kurt Chapman, Fatherhood Peer Specialist; Florida Department of Children and Families and members of the Florida Department of Health; Florida Guardian Ad Litem Office; Ability 1st, Anchor Recovery Foundation; Brehon Family Services; Care Portal; DISC Village; One Church One Child; One More Child; Prevent Child Abuse Florida; Safe Families for Children; and Victory for Youth/Share Your Heart. 

Prior to coming to NWFHN, Dr. Goehrig was the head of her denomination for the state of Florida, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and she has served in ministry for over 40 years as a pastor, police chaplain, hospice chaplain, and denominational leader.