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Boystown Lunch & Learn with NWF Well-Being Specialist Gilbert Allen

Sep Fri, 2024, See more: Child Protection,Child Welfare,Events,Team

Gilbert Allen, NWF Well-Being Specialist, presented at a Lunch and Learn for Boystown to provide training and education on ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act). He provided training on how he facilitates these educational staffing’s that occur every time a child either comes into care or moves to a new placement, to determine best educational interest. Federal Law requires the child welfare agencies and school districts work together to ensure educational stability and success for children in Out-of-Home Care.

Mr. Allen staffs all of the children in Circuit 2 no matter if they are placed locally or outside of our Circuit. During his presentation, Mr. Allen reported that he staffs all of the children in Circuit 2 no matter if they are placed locally or outside of the Circuit. He spoke about the great partnership we have with our local school district and invited Dr. Marsha Sanders, from the Office of Health, Wellness, and Student Services and John Mark Bryant who is one of the ESE Program Specialist for Compliance to speak at the meeting.

Gilbert works hand in hand with Dr. Sanders on all of our children and serves as the Educational Liaison for the Community Based Care (CBC) side for our kids in Care and Dr. Sanders is the LEA (Local Education Agency) Foster Care Liaison for the School District for Leon County. Mr. Allen helped Boystown Foster parents and staff understand how to access assistance by reaching out to him to partner with Dr. Sanders as they work together through any educational barriers for our population — even after an ESSA staffing has occurred.

Thank you, Boystown, for holding the event at your ART Town, venue in Tallahassee, Florida.

Pictured: Dr. Sanders and NWF Well-Being Specialist Gilbert Allen