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Fostering 301

Fostering 301 is a small group participatory training that expounds on the importance of developmental relationships in healing for children who have experienced trauma.  Topics include the dependency system, communication, trauma and the brain, positive and negative consequences, de-escalation techniques problem solving and goal setting. This class is limited in size to keep the discussion relatable and to work through real life scenarios you are facing as you parent children from hard places.  

Pre-Requisites:  This class is for anyone who has been actively fostering over 6 months with some experience to draw from or for those whose Support Specialist has recommended the class. We also ask you to look through the 201 slides if you have not for your region. This information will help in our discussion. 201 is a PowerPoint, self-paced, online training that can be found at: Training Opportunities – NWF Health Network.

Spotlight on Sharon Lasseter

September 26, 2024
Each child who has stayed with Sharon has experienced her warmth and understanding, which can be especially comforting during times of transition and uncertainty.