June is Reunification Month
This is a mom that has demonstrated exceptional growth, has focused on her sobriety and the safety of her children! Mom has a history of addiction and is now one year clean! She has four children and has been under services since December 2021. All of the children have been in her care since April 2024 and the family is making excellent progress.
The family first came to services as in home due to reports of substance misuse. The children remained in the home with the mother until June 2023 when she gave birth to another child. At that time, she admitted to heavy use throughout her pregnancy and the child was in respiratory distress and experiencing withdrawals. Due to the severity of the reports and information collected, the three children were removed from the mother and placed in foster care.
In partnership with Families First Network (FFN), NWFHN, local community providers, and the mother’s own informal supports, the mother has been clean one year. She demonstrated behavioral change which allowed the development of an in-home safety plan with the children placed back in her care in April 2024.
Shortly after reunification, the mother gave birth to a healthy baby who has remained safely in her care. Congratulations to this wonderful family!