Kind words from a Foster Parent
We wanted to share some words about our Christmas sponsors (Elf Sponsors, Ornament Sponsors & Santa Picture Sponsors) from a foster family:
“After picking up gifts today and seeing the Santa photo prints, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. The amount of time and effort that went into organizing the events this holiday season, and having volunteer Christmas elves pick out the most thoughtful gifts that our kiddos will love has me at a loss for words. Not to mention these beautifully crafted ornaments. Seeing them had me in tears. My kids asked Santa for a lollipop and soda, and they will be receiving that and much more. I was feeling anxious about not only being a first time foster mom, but a new mom in general, and the thought of finding time to shop was panic inducing. I feel beyond blessed to be in a community where we are supported both emotionally and through the generosity of the community. I’ve seen horror stories on Facebook groups about how it is quite the opposite, and they are not being given resources and support that I’ve found to be crucial for success as a foster parent. I am grateful beyond words for our case management team, support specialist, and everyone who steps up for these kids. Now off to get lollipops and soda!”