This recognition highlights Mike’s unwavering dedication and groundbreaking efforts in advancing child protection and behavioral health services. His vision for improving communities and innovative approaches to serving others has made a significant impact on the...
Keona Brown graduated from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University with her Bachelor's in Social Work. Afterwards, she attended Florida State University and earned her Masters Degree in Social Work. She decided to become a social...
Meet Wendi Guyer. Wendi got her Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Social Work degree from Florida State University. When she graduated from college, she stayed far away from Dependency. She said it took a well-spoken...
Meet Jessica Bethel. Jessica has been in Child Welfare since 2003 after obtaining her Bachelors Degree in Social Work. She attended Miles College, a Historical Black College/University in Birmingham, AL. Jessica is currently working as...
Meet April Hart. April obtained her Bachelors and Masters in Social Work from "Thee Illustrious and Prestigious Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University." She currently works as an Adult Care Coordinator for Circuit 2. Ashley became...
Ashlee McCarter obtained her Master’s Degree in Social Work from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. She is part of the Placement Team as the Placement Manager for Circuit 2 and 14. Ashlee "wanted to become a...